Sounds of Star Wars

The Force is strong with this one.

A program to relace your Microsoft Windows sounds with iconic Star Wars sounds.

We've all been there. You're hammering away on your bit blaster with a laser focus that could turn Alderan to ashes. The only worry in sight is that you'll accomplish so much today that there won't be anything left for tomorrow. Then it happens... Ba-doom!!! That disgraceful Microsoft Windows sound, hinting your command wasn't authorized. Did it have to say it like that? I mean we get it: sometimes you need to be notified when you operate outside the boundaries. Still, did it have to be a sound that didn't come from the greatest cinematic experience in the galaxy? The problem is cut and dry. Your default Windows system notification sounds aren't the ones you know and love from Star Wars. Prepare to be rescued, because you're only clicks away from turning your computer to the Dark Side.

Simply click the link below that downloads a .zip folder and extract the files. After that, double click the shortcut "Sounds Of Star Wars" located in the top directory to run the installer. The window for the installer might not pop up on top of the other programs you currently have open, so you might have to click the icon on the task bar to see it. Click 'OK' on the installer and Star Wars sounds will then replace those pesky Microsoft noises. Refer the the README.txt for troubleshooting should it not work correctly. If that fails, feel free to contact me to assist further. Hope you enjoy! :)